Sunday, May 15, 2016

Day 3- Tuesday, May 10th

Day 3

Today we started off our day with our first site visit to SGL, which is a carbon fiber company that is located in Meitingen. We had breakfast at the hotel, where Sonia and the Germany students met up with us to take the coach bus to SGL. Since this was our first site visit of the trip I didn’t really know what to expect, but I was really curious to find out. When we first got there we were escorted to a big lecture room that had huge class windows. What I noticed about the building itself was how modern it was, from the way it was design to the technology used. After the lecture we took a tour of the factory where they used labs and equipment for product development where they would test the different fibers. The tour itself involved a lot of labs, which got a little dry towards the end of the tour but was really interesting once you were able to see the finished products. We saw products such as golf clubs, chairs, car door, and this object that they used to manufacture which would use electrodes to melt down steel, when steel was more of a prominent business for them. At the end of the tour the provided us with lunch where I had bacon covered chicken and pasta with broccoli, which was delicious. It was very nice to see that SGL took a lot of time out of there day to provide us with a very informational and organized visit.
            After our visit we stopped at the hotel to change out of our business clothes and then headed down to town hall to listen to a lecture on migration in Germany. The part that I thought was the most interesting is when the women addressed how people are able to get citizenships in Germany. Directly following that we took a tour of the Grand Hotel, which was my favorite part of the day. Basically this hotel has 6 floors with the top two being a normal hotel, middle two housed refuges and the bottom two floors were hostiles. The unique thing about this “hotel” it isn’t just an ordinary hotel. First thing is all of the rooms are painted extremely creative and designed very cool. Pictures following show some of the rooms but my favorite was a hostile room that was shaped like a tree house. The floor had a cobble stone path and the beds were like a tree house.

            After the Grand Hotel, we had the rest of the night free to do whatever we wanted, so all of the kids went out to eat to Konig Von Flandern, a traditional Bavarian restaurant where I order sausages and sauerkraut. Later on that night we all hung out together with the German students at a fake beach on a rooftop which was pretty awesome. End of day 3 and I am very tired but still having an amazing time! So grateful for all of the new friends and relationships I have made so far.  

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